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"How To Create An Irresistible Information Product!"


Copyright 1995 By Jonathan Mizel
Publisher, The Online Marketing Letter

Dear Friend

     I am going to reveal an incredible secret to you.  It's
something the "big boys" of direct-marketing absolutely don't want
you to know.

     A technique so powerful, it's responsible for billions and
billions of dollars worth of sales each and every year.  It's a
method used by top information marketers like Gary Halbert, Bill
Myers, Ted Nicholas, Jay Abraham, and many others (including me)!

     It's also used by all the major automobile manufacturers, all
the major computer companies, and almost every other direct-response
sales organization that is successful.

     Here's the secret:

  "Package highly desirable products with lower-cost products to
      increase the perceived value of what you are selling!"

     Let's take the Ford Motor Company as an example.  Ford is
selling a specially equipped Explorer here in Northern California.
It comes standard with a whole bunch of stuff that people *really*
want.  Options like an airbag, air conditioning, and automatic

     But, it also comes with a bunch of stuff that people (at
least here in Northern california), don't really concern themselves
with.  Special paint, map-lights, built in ice-chest, roof-rack,
spoilers, 4 X 4, and a lot of other items that people may find
interesting, but they would think twice about if they were buying
(and paying for) each option individually.

     However, Ford doesn't give you a choice (at least not with this
special package).  I think they charge something like $3,650 for
$6,900 worth of options.  It's only available as a package.  Who
cares that you wouldn't buy most of the things if offered separately.
The point is this:

  "As a package, you find several of the options so desireable,
    important, and valuable, you spend the $3,650 and get the
  whole kit and caboodle (even if you never use that map-light)."

     Let me give you another example:  Take Bill Myers, the well
known videographer and information-marketer.  Bill is really a
genius when it comes to "information-packages."  When Bill would
create a package, he would include essential "do or die" products
with less valuable (and less costly) items.

     In his package, "How To Make $30,000 a Month With Low Budget
Direct-Mail Projects," he includes three videos, a book called The
Unfair Advantage Letter Book, a bonus video, some software, some
reports, some direct-mail pieces (as examples), and a free three
month subscription to his newsletter.  (His initial price for
everything was $315.00.)

     The software was invaluable to anyone doing any sort direct-
marketing whatsoever.  And "The Unfair Advantage Letter Book," if
you have ever read it, is full of great ad-copy that Bill even
encourages you to "borrow" from!  Plus, the direct-mail pieces and
reports were extremely important to anyone considering a similar

     All in all, when you bought the package, even though you
probably didn't think twice about certain parts of it, there were
other parts that you probably felt you couldn't live without!

       "And that, my friend, is exactly what a successful
                 information package is all about!"

     Master copywriter and marleting consultant Ted Nicholas markets
an info-package called "How To Publish a Book And Sell A Million
Copies."  I liked it, but I didn't decide to buy it because of the
book.  I shelled out my hard earned cash because it came with a
video called "The Seven Secrets To Successful Space Advertising."

                 "I had to have that video!"

     So, when I bought the package, even though the book the main
product, as far as I was concerned, the tape was the main product.

     Now please bear with me while I break one of the cardinal rules
of marketing.  I'd like to reveal to you how I sold 250 copies of my
"Online-Marketing Power Pack" in less that 4 months.  (I feel like a
magician explaining how a trick is performed.)

     The lead product in the package is a manual containing all the
back issues of my newsletter.  It could probably be sold on it's own
for between $99 and $149 online, using space ads, or by direct-mail.
It is, in my humble opinion, a darn good manual.

     However, I packaged it with six killer information reports
(valued at $30 each), as well as a seminar video called "The Seven
Steps To Online Success," a hot title to be sure.

     Additionally, I also include an instructional video titled
"Marketing With Online Services -- Basic Training."  A freebie
bonus that adds as much as $100 to the overall worth but less
than $10 to its production cost.

     Finally, I throw in a consultation that is worth $275.  All
in all, an informational package that reeks of "perceived value!"

     The point is this, by packaging many products together, I have
a much greater chance of hitting a customer's hot button than if I
sold each item individually.

     And, if I hit the hot button, the customer feels good about the
purchase, keeps the product, and hopefully buys something else.

     Therefore, by selling a "package" of products, you accomplish
the following:

* You have a greater chance of pleasing your customers and hitting
  their hot buttons.

* You reduce the number of returns and/or complaints.

* You can increase the dollar amount of your sale.

* You can sell items that don't necessarily stand well on their own.

     So get to it and see what sort of package you can put together.
Chances are, you will be quite pleased with your success, and so
will your customers!

Copyright 1995 by Jonathan Mizel

This report is #5 in a series titled, "The Secrets of Information
Marketing" and was excerpted from Jonathan Mizel's "Online Marketing
Power Pack" manual.  For additional information, please send e-mail

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-or contact-

Jonathan Mizel
CyberWave Media
Telephone: 415-337-7405

AOL: JMizel
Compuserve: 73553,2400

The Online Marketing Letter
564 Mission Street, Suite 638
San Francisco, CA  94105

       Do you know what the most important, yet rarely talked
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       Yet, virtually all the info you find on this subject is, at best, general info: "Use benefit packed
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