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Hi! My name is

and I am 10 years old!
I am in the 5th grade.
I love to work with my electronics kits
and design my own projects.
I am also in the Boy Scouts, and just last 
month received the highest award in Cub Scouting!
The Arrow Of Light!


Can you see my dimples?

Cub Scouts Blue and Gold Banquet!

Having a little fun in my Aunt's pool!

Say, Cheeeeeeese!

The Serious Look!

Well that's all I have for now!
I Hope you enjoyed coming to see me!

You could go and see my Brother now!

Or maybe you would like to see my sister!

After that you can go back to my Mom's Site!

My Mom made these graphics for me.
So Please don't take them!
Go visit her graphics site and pick a set
or two for yourself!

