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You are about to begin a WEBQUEST with the topic of Citizenship.  You will do several activities and go to several websites that will help develop your understanding of the characteristics of a good citizen.  Keep all of your assignments in folder your folder.  You will be asked to present them to the class when you are finished with the Citizenship Webquest.

We will now begin on your journey!

Go to activity 1.


Activity 1

Write a 1/2 page essay that describes your definition of the word Citizenship.  Be sure to describe the characteristics that you believe make you a good citizen.

Activity 2

Go to the following website.   Read and take notes.

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Activity 3

Go to the following website and read and take notes.

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Activity 4

There are four themes associated with Citizenship go to the following link and read about the 5 themes for citizenship and the take the quiz.

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Activity 5

Choose 2 of the following writing activities.   We will use the writing process. Begin by doing a prewriting (web, list , notes, etc.).  Write a rough copy then edit.  From your edited copy write your final draft.


Truth in Friendship

Imagine that a friend is going to do a comedy act in a talent contest. He tells you the jokes from the act. The jokes are awful. Do your tell him? If so, how do you say it?

Test Your Compassion

You find out that a friend had no time to study for a test because she had to help around the house when her mother was sick. So your friend cheats on the test. What do you say to her? What do you do? Do you tell the teacher?


Imagine that you live near an elderly couple. Two or three of your friends are visiting you and they see the two old people. Your friends start making fun of the elderly people behind their backs. What, if anything, do you say to your friends? What might happen if your neighbors overhear what is going on?

Be Kind: Rewind for Responsibility

Lots of little things make up good behavior, such as rewinding rented movies, not littering, keeping quiet when people need to concentrate, and returning library books on time. Make a list of small responsibilities. (That part of the activity might be done in small, cooperative groups.) Then try to think of a situation in which you fulfilled one of the small responsibilities. Think of another situation in which you did not fulfill a small responsibility. Are the “little” things really that important? Why or why not?

It Takes Guts

Imagine you’re playing basketball with a friend. Some kids come up and take your friend’s basketball. Create more specific details about this kind of situation, and then describe what you would do.

Activity 6

Your school needs to have a program that would help promote citizenship within your school and community.  Develop a plan that your principal can use for next school year that will help instill the themes of citizenship.   You will want to create a ongoing activity or that can be used the entire school year.

Activity 7

Go to the following websites and see what else you can do to be a good citizen

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