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I Prayed

I prayed for his pain to go away, And I prayed for someone to help him know God's way.

I prayed he'd meet someone to help his broken heart mend, Someone he could love and be his best friend.

A woman who would love him with all her heart, A woman he would love from the very start.

My prayers surely got through, For The Lord sent him that someone special in you.

Your the answer to my prayers hon, Your the best thing that's ever happened to my son.

I pray your love will last forever, And you will always have the happiness you feel together.

That all your hopes and dreams will come true, I pray you will never forget to say "I love You".

Hold eachother close in your heart, And the love you feel today will never part.

Your the answer to a mother's prayer, I'm so glad your life with my son you choose to share.

This comes with lots of love sent your way, To welcome you to the family on your special day.

Hope all your birthday wishes will come true, And you will find love and happiness in all you do.

That your day will be as special as you are to my son, And you will celebrate it with laughter and fun.

~ Written By ~

~ SouthernHeart ~

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