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~ A True Friend ~

What would you do if you found out a friend wasn't so true, Without them knowing it, you caught them lying to you.

True friendship is as priceless as gold, So I don't understand the need for lies to be told.

With each new lie you're friend puts upon you're heart, That road of friendship seems to drift apart.

Friends are suppose to be there to help you through, Not to be untrue and lie to you.

When your heart is troubled you should be able to turn to a friend, For a true friend will be there with you till the end.

A true friend knows when you're feeling bad, They are there to lift you up when you're sad.

They seem to share all you're smiles, And miss you across the miles.

Friendship is a bond between two hearts, That's how true friendship starts.

Yes true friendship is as priceless as gold, So there's no need for lies to be told.

It's a special gift to hold, So don't let lies turn it cold.

Cherish the closeness of a true friend, And you'll be together till the end.

Written By

Anita Miller

~ SouthernHeart ~

© Copyright March 2001