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On That Third Day

Over 2,000 years ago today Mary's tears fell, As Satan laughed and smiled from Hell.

Jesus said, "It is finished" as he looked towards the sky, Mary cried as she watched her Son hang on a cross and die.

He was placed in a tomb with the entrance sealed, His people not knowing how their broken hearts would be healed.

On that third day Mary Magdalene saw the stone had been rolled away, She ran to the disciples and told them the Lord had been taken, though she knew not where he laid.

At the tomb she weeped her tears falling like rain, Then she saw two angels in white where the body of Jesus had lain.

But then seeing Jesus her heart was mended, As He told her, "Touch me not for I am not yet ascended".

She told the disciples she had saw the Lord and He spoke to her that day, They did not have words for they knew not what they should say.

Then Jesus came and stood in the midst, and saith, "Peace be unto you", They could hardly believe their eyes that this was true.

Jesus showed them His hands and His side, Then they knew Mary Magdalene never lied.

They believed that Jesus was raised on that third day and did not die, As they believed this was His Father's will from up on high.

So this Easter believe Jesus is here, For those who believe Jesus is always near.

Written By

Anita Miller

~ SouthernHeart ~

© Copyright April 13, 2001

~Good Friday~