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Vietnam Vet

A young man at the age of 18, But he'd already saw more than most young men had seen.

He was sent to a land where he didn't belong, Far, far away from America's song.

All he heard was bullets flying by, As one hit his friend, he held him as he watched him die.

He didn't know why he had to be in this place, All he knew, he'd never forget the look of terror on his friend's face.

He fought in a war he knew nothing about, Making memories that would haunt him forever,no doubt.

But he did what he had to do, And did his best to make it through.

Only to come home to another kind of war, To listen to his country fight about what vietnam was for.

He had to stand proud and not show his hurt, As the vietnam vet was put down like dirt.

Our country put him in a war he didn't want to be in, Only to come home to a battle he could not win.

It's sad to know what he went through, After fighting for our colors, red, white, and blue.

So next time you think of a vietnam vet, Remember for all he gave, we can never repay the debt.

Written By

Anita Miller

~ SouthernHeart ~

© Copyright April 22, 2001