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One Nation Under God

The day started out like so many before, No one knew 9-11 would mark the beginning of a new war.

We watched as the news began to unfold, Our hearts couldn't believe any one could be so cold.

To take their own lives to bring America down, And to believe this was an honor and they were Heaven bound.

There were many lost souls who never had a chance to make it right, And there were christians praying many prayers day and night.

So many innocent lives lost by the terrorist attack, They gave America no choice but to strike back.

The president ask for prayer for all the children, women, and men, And we truly became one nation under God again.

Prayer was not allowed in the days before, Seems on God's word we had shut the door.

Through the terrible lost America endured, Americans drew closer and all across the land God's word was heard.

We prayed as our troops were sent in to fight, As the bombing continued through the night.

To stay one nation under God, On enemy soil our soldiers must trod.

Red, white, and blue our colors don't run, Fighting for freedom ring the shots of a gun.

Americans have pulled together across this great land, One nation under God will always stand.

Written By

Anita Miller

~ Southern Heart ~

© Copyright November 21, 2001