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Special Friend

Thinking back at how we met, We only knew eachother by our screen names @

We chatted and e-mailed and grew closer day by day, We felt eachother's hurts and knew just what to say.

When we couldn't quite type what was on our minds, There was no need because both of us could read between the lines.

We knew what the other one meant, And we felt the love and prayers that were being sent.

The miles between us couldn't stop what we felt, You've been there for me no matter what life has dealt.

When I think of you I thank the Lord on bended knee, For sending such a special friend to me.

In times of trouble, you've prayed for me day and night, It's as though God sent you to be my guiding light.

If we never meet face to face, if that's not what life has in store, Through our salvation and our love for God, we'll meet someday on Heaven's Shore.

They'll be no more tears, or pain, nor health problems there, Only happiness. joy, and love to share.

On earth and in Heaven you'll be my special friend, If you ever need me I've got plenty of hugs to lend.

Written By

Anita Miller

~ Southern Heart ~

Copyright January 15, 2002