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Dear Lord

Dear Lord,

I just needed to talk with you today, From my heart I have so much to say.

Why can man make us doubt what life is worth, Is there such a thing as hell on earth.

Is there really any happiness here to be found, Or will that only come once we're heaven bound.

Will I always feel this hurt within my heart, As I wipe away the tears from being torn apart.

Why can words hurt us so bad, And leave us feeling lonely and sad.

What is happening to the world today, Why do people say the things they say.

Anymore wrong is right and right is wrong, Today Satan seems to be twice as strong.

There are so many people that say a christian, I use to be, How could they turn away from you once you set them free.

Does all this confirm the last days are at hand, And that christians should stay strong and take a final stand.

Lord, just lead me in the right way, So my name will be in the book of life come Judgement Day.

And Lord thank you for listening to what I had to say, I'll talk to you again tonight when I pray.

~ Written By SouthernHeart ~

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