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Our Heavenly Father

Jesus needed to talk to his father so he knelt down to pray, From heaven his father sent an angel to watch over him that day.

Angels have always came from heaven above, Our Heavenly Father has sent them to us with love.

To be there for us in our time of need, It could be in the form of a stranger doing a good deed.

Or we may feel the presence of something we can't see, Then all at once from our troubles we feel set free.

He could send a special touch on the wings of a dove, This is just all apart of our Heavenly Father's love.

He can touch us all in so many ways, From starlit nights to sun filled days.

But it's when your lost and all alone, It's then he'll let his love be known.

He'll pick you up without whispering a sound, And save your soul from being hell bound.

Old things will pass away, And you'll be a new person that day.

Then our Heavenly Father may use you to tell how your no longer hell bound, Or he may make you a special angel to a new friend you've found.

If you let him he'll use you in ways that are good, And he'll show you things that never before you could of understood.

He'll give you the knowledge as he feels you need to know, So as time goes in his word you'll grow.

~ Written By SouthernHeart ~

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