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Will you wait until your in hell with your life shattered, Before you realize how much Jesus mattered.

The answer my friend is not in these hands of mine, Turn to Jesus for guidance the bible says he's the true vine.

Friend don't wait until you enter hell's gate, Once your consumed in the flames it's eternally too late.

Satan is the prince of the world, darkness is his way, But Jesus is the king of all kings, a true light for those who receive him in their heart today.

Jesus will not push himself upon you, Or tempt you with lies like Satan will do.

Jesus will stand at the door and knock, Friend if you let him in he'll be your spiritual rock.

From you he will never turn away, He'll be with you all the way.

So open the door to your heart, Friend let Jesus give your life a new start.

~ Written By SouthernHeart ~

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