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There's alot of people making money off of Jesus today, But when it's all said and done their money can't buy their way.

For the gift of salvation is given to them free, To heaven's gate Jesus holds the key.

Your money won't be accepted there, The cost was already paid with loving care.

By Jesus when he hung on a cross 2000 years ago in time, You'll never hear Jesus ask for a dime.

Satan will tell you the money is yours to steal, That's the hand Satan wants to deal.

He wants you to think money is all there is, So he can take you from Jesus and make you his.

Once you let money take control, It won't be long till Satan own's your soul.

He'll deal you a hand you just can't win, And you'll never be able to discard the sin.

You'll gamble your life away, Only to end up in hell with Satan someday.

~ Written By SouthernHeart ~

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