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The Light In The Valley

I heard it called the light in the valley, this little church beside the road,They said, come and give all your troubles to Jesus, he'll carry the load.

So I walked in and sat down, I felt like a sinner on sacred ground,

I felt the tears burn my cheek,As I knew it was Jesus I must seek.

He reached down from heaven and opened the door to my heart,Touching me with his love assuring me we'd never part.

He knew how I had stumbled and I'd need his hand to hold, To help me take away the pain that had turned my life so cold.

The light in the valley, for me was that little church beside the road, The night I let Jesus carry my load.

From the depths of hell he set me free, And now his love resides inside of me.

He took away the tears that for so long had fell, And replaced them with water from the living well.

So if your troubles you need to share, Because the load is just too much to bear.

Remember the light in the valley, the little church beside the road, Jesus is always waiting there to carry your load.

Written By

~ SouthernHeart ~

© Copyright 2000

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