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In My Secret Place

My heart is like a house.One day I let the savior in. There are many rooms, where we would visit now and then.Then one day he saw that door. I knew the day would come too soon. I said, Jesus I'm not ready, for us to visit in that room. Cause that's a place in my heart where even I don't go. I have some things hidden there I don't want no one to know.But he handed me the key, with tears of blood upon his face.He said, I want to make you clean. Let me go in your secret place.

So I opened up the door and as the two of us walked in, I was so ashamed. His life revealed my hidden sins. When I think about that room now, I'm not afraid anymore. Cause I know my hidden sins no longer hide behind that door. There was a place in my heart where even I wouldn't go. I had some things hidden there I didn't want no one to know. But he handed me the key, with tears of blood upon his face. And he made me clean. I let him in my secret place.

Is there a place in your heart, where even you don't go. You have some things hidden there you don't want no one to know. If he's handing you the key, with tears of blood upon his face. Well he'll make you clean. Just let him in your secret place.

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