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When she knew no one was near, She sat alone in her room and wiped away a tear.

The hurt she felt was deeper than any she'd known,As she remembered the abuse she'd been shown.

She felt like there was no way out, She held these feelings inside, it was something she couldn't talk about.

She became more and more withdrawn and confused, She wanted to shut out the memories of being abused.

It left a scar that would never go away, The hurt inside her was there to stay.

In her room alone after she turned out the light, Nothing but tears and another sleepless night.

She wondered when this feeling would ever end, How long she'd have to wait until her broken heart would mend.

Then one day when she didn't think she could take anymore, Jesus knocked at her heart's door.

A feeling came over her she just couldn't explain, And she knew in her heart Jesus would take away the pain.

~ Written By SouthernHeart ~
© 1999 Copyright

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