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The Eagle

High above a mountain top the eagle soars so high, He's so beautiful up there in that blue sky.

He spreads his wings with such ease, As he flys into that western breeze.

Such a majestic bird is he, Nothing holding him back as he flys so free.

If you've watched the eagle as he's flown, Then you can't say the Lord you've never known.

Such beauty could only come from Heaven above, As the Lord touches us with his hand of love.

He's given us such beauty to behold, As he created the eagle so strong and bold.

Yes if you've ever watched as the eagle soared, Your heart has been touched by Our Lord.

One day he'll give us the freedom to fly, We'll mount up with wings as eagles to meet him in the sky.

Oh what a day that will be, When Our Lord comes for you and me.

If you want your name in the book of life come judgement day, Hang onto the Lord, he's the truth, the life and the way.

Written By

~ SouthernHeart ~

© Copyright 2000


I have never saw an eagle soar. But through your eyes I was able to write this special poem for you.

You are always so helpful and so caring to everyone you meet.

You have made so many snowglobes for people. Never charging them a dime.

You started the Revival America 2000 and the Psalms 119 top 100 sites.

You have witnessed to many people through your site. With the word of God in your pages.

You have became a very special friend to me. And I wanted to do this poem for you! To let you know someone thanks you for being the special lady you are.

May Jesus hold you safe in his arms and forever in his love!

Love and Prayers,

~ SouthernHeart ~

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