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A Mothers Silent Tear

From the first day she held you in her arms, She wanted to shield you and keep you free from harms.

When you took your first step and stumbled she wanted to take you by the hand, But she knew she had to let loose and let you try to stand.

When she dropped you off at school that first day, She smiled and held back the tears as she encourged you on your way.

She was so proud of you as you graduated junior high, The tears began to fall as she tried not to cry.

A child never sees a mothers silent tear, As she lets loose when she really wants to hold her child near.

Then came your first teenage year, When you didn't want her anywhere near.

As harsh words were spoken she listened with her heart, The pain she felt inside nearly tore her apart.

It would soon be your eighteenth birthday my how time can fly, Her heart was heavy for she knew all too soon she would have to tell you good bye.

This kind of sadness she had never known, She held back the tears as you told her you wanted to be on your own.

A child never sees a mothers silent tear, As she lets loose when she really wants to hold her child near.

You never invite her to share your day, She really wants to spend time with you but she feels she'd only be in the way.

In her heart she would love to be there, But she won't ask if time with you she can share.

She holds you close in her heart, And prays the Lord will keep you safe while your apart.

There is nothing stronger than a mothers love, A mother is a special gift from the Lord up above.

Yes you never saw your mothers silent tear, As she let you loose when she really wanted to hold you near.

~ Written By ~

~ SouthernHeart ~

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