CHAT INSTRUCTIONS LISTED BELOW CHAT BOX Your browser is not Java-enabled. Please enable Java, or upgrade browsers.


How to ParaChat

Joining the Chat
To start chatting, enter your user name (any nickname) and click "Connect."
Your user name must be a unique chat user name and is valid for your current chat session. You may also enter your real name, email address, and a password.

Sending Messages
Chat messages are displayed in the chat message area. To add to the conversation, type in your message in the text box below the message area. By default your message is sent to all users.
To send a private message to a particular user, highlight the user from the users list on the right, select the ‘Private User’ radio button and type your message. Everything you type will remain "private" until you turn ‘Private User’ off.

Leaving the Chat Room
To end your chat session, click the ‘Log Off’ button.

Ignoring Users
To screen out obnoxious users, highlight the user from the users list on the right. And select the ‘Ignore User’ button.

The Chat Buttons
The ‘About’ button displays information about ParaChat in the message box.
The ‘Surf!’ button opens a new browser and displays the last URL typed in the message box.
The ‘F.A.Q.’ button displays the Chat F.A.Q. in a new browser.
The ‘Float’ button displays the chat window in a floating browser.
The 'User Info' button gives the user's information - as typed in when the user enters the room as well as the idle time (how long since the user has typed in a message into the room.)

Customizing the Chat window colors and fonts
Type '*chat' in the text box (where you type to send messages) to get help on how to change fonts and colors for your window. [Note: You must include the asterisk (*).]
For example:
*chat bgcolor black (changes background color of the chat window to black)
*chat fgcolor green (changes foreground (text) color of the chat window to green)
*chat font courier (changes font of the chat window to Courier)
*chat fontsize 14 (changes font size of the chat window to 14)
*chat (gives help on the entire list of commands available)
[NOTE: The chat room settings will revert back to the default when you log out of a room.]

Chat newline command:
*chat nl [on | off]
Set a newline after each message that is displayed in the chat window. This place extra spaces between the text and improves readability. By default the option is set to off (i.e no new line between messages)
*chat nl on
The messages will now appear in the chat window with an extra new line between them.

(a beep notification) when someone enters or leaves the room. Use the *beep command in the chat room to set an audio cue when anyone enters or leaves the room. If you enter *beep (in the message line) you will get a help message as well as the current beep settings.
To turn beep on when someone enters the room use: *beep enter on
To turn beep on when someone leaves the room use: *beep leave on
To turn beep off when someone enters the room use: *beep enter off
To turn beep off when someone leaves the room use: *beep leave off
[NOTE: Settings will revert back to the default (sounds off) when you leave the room.]

In order to create a private chat window with a user, enter

Paging the Admin / designated room Operator

To get a private chat window with the room operator/ admin enter

Getting timed out - idle time
Most ParaChat rooms are set to have an idle time fo 10 minutes. This means if a user does not type in any message for up to 10 minutes, the chat server assumes the user to be idle and disconnects. If you want to lurk (watch and not chat) and do not want to get timed out, just hit the User Info button every now and then (before the 10 minute timeout). Password protected usernames (e.g admin names can set the idle time as per their preferences).

:) Smiling
:-) Smiling, with a nose
:-> Ironic or devious smile
}:-)> Devilish
:-( Frowning
:-< Very sad
>:-( Upset or annoyed
:-D Laughing
:-o Shouting
:-O Shouting loudly
:-* Puckering for a kiss
:-x Lips are sealed
:-() Big mouth

AKA Also known as
AFK Away from keyboard
BAK Back at keyboard
BFN Bye for now
BIF Basis in fact
BRB Be right back
BTW By the way
CU See you
CUL See you later
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FWIW For what it's worth
FYA For your amusement
FYI For your information
GMTA Great minds think alike
IAC In any case
IMO In my opinion
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMNSHO In my not-so-humble opinion
IMAO In my arrogant opinion
IOW In other words
LOL Laughing out loud
NBIF No basis in fact
NRN No response necessary
OTOH On the other hand
PMJI Pardon my jumping in
PC Politically correct or personal computer
PI or PIC Politically incorrect
ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing
TIA Thanks in advance
TIC Tongue in cheek
TTFN Ta-ta for now
TYL Talk to you later
WB Welcome back
WTG Way to go
YMMV Your mileage may vary