Order of Greeting for sa-fori when entering a room.

This protocol, though not offical, is accepted by most realms of Gor (IRC, Lycos, Yahoo, etc). It is the sa-fora's responsibility to confirm its acceptance.

When entering a room (channel, group), the sa-fora should try to read the room banner if one exists. The banner should (but will not always) state the owner, first sword, and second sword.

If permission is required, the sa-fora should kowtow (karta) at the entrance (door, gate, etc.) and beg entrance, paying close attention to the Master/Mistress who bestowed any permission to enter to her. She may thank and greet this person immediately upon entering.

The owner of the room (unless it is a Free Woman) may be greeted without permission.

If her Master is in the room, she should go immediately to His/Her side and ask permission from Him/Her to greet.

The following is the order for greeting, assuming the above...

(((1.))) The Free person who granted her entrance.

(((2.))) The owner (male only) of the room, if he was not the one to grant her entrance.

(((3.))) If her Master/Mistress is present, she should go to His/Her side and beg to greet. If He/She is not present, or has given permission, she should continue as follows:

(((4.))) If present, the First Sword.

(((5.))) If present, the Second Sword.

(((6.))) All Masters, not already greeted - in any order, except for her Master.

(((7.))) The owner if - it is a Free Woman.

(((8.))) All Free Women, not already greeted - in any order.(If sex of the Free Person is not determined, greet as a Master as in #6. If it is wrong, beg forgiveness and greet again.)

(((9.))) The sa-fori and kajirii, starting with:
A.*The first girl if known
B. The second girl if known
C. The rest of the slaves
* Note, some taverns have a TA, a tavern attendant, usually a slave, greet him/her before the first girl.

(((10.))) She may then greet her Master/Mistress, inquiring about his/her day, health, or relate any important information.

(((11.))) A Master may require his slave to ask permission to greet any entering person.

This is not official protocol, but none is clearly delienated in the Books by John Norman, and this protocol form is accepted by most.