Honor... in all

Dominance... of himself and of those who depend on his command

Consistency... in his dealings with freepersons and slaves

Strength... to not be swayed from his principles

Self-assured... not dependent on others for approval

Curiosity... to delve into the individual

Wisdom... to understand what curiosity has discovered

Maturity... to understand, but not misuse, the power of his Mastery

Sensitivity... to have interest in, and to listen keenly for the concerns and issues of others and his slave

Compassion... to hear the true feelings of his slaves, and to deal fairly with issues raised, within the confines of his principles and command

Accountability... to accept the responsibility for the behavior of his slave and himself; to accept responsibility for the safety and security of his slave; and to deal honorably with any issues that arise for either concern

Courage... both to stand up for his principles and honor and the courage to admit a mistake when he recognizes one has been made

Advocate... for the endurance and prosperity of Gorean culture

Ally... standing shoulder to shoulder with other advocates of Gor

Mentor... to others who have need of his example