1. Respect everyone, your beliefs may not be the same as theirs, but they are entitled to believe what they want.

2. Do not force your opinion on others.

3. No pms without permission of the owner or one of the swords.

4. No a/s/l as Goreans do not care about that.

5. No cams or pic, nor request for same. Goreans are more interested in your inner person.

6. No trolling, this is not a place to pick up a date. If that is your desire, move on.

7. No lurking, take a part, or ask for permission to just watch.

8. The sa-fori are property of either the Camp or their Masters, do not assume just because they are slaves that you have the right to order them around, you don't!

9. Any sa-fora that offends will be punished by her owner only - Camp sa-fori will be punished by the Camp owner.

10. The word of the Camp Owner or a Sword, operating in His stead, is law, no questioning of His decisions will be tolerated.

You will be bounced and possibly banned for violating any of the above.

Remember, this is an Camp, not a brothel or a paga tavern/house, act accordingly!

All are welcome to come here and learn of Gor and Gorean ways. Be it known, however, disrespect to anyone - Owner, Master, Mistress, sa-fora/sa-fori, will not be tolerated.

If you are put on ignore and banned, it is permanent.

Punishment of slaves is the sole responsibility of the owner.

Free Men entering the Camp will be addressed as "Master" by the sa-fori, if you do not care to be called "Master", let it be known, you WILL be addressed then as Jarl - as is the Gorean tradition.

All slaves collared to the Camp or entering without a Master accompanying them will automatically fall under the following rule - commonly known as the Turian Rule.

Any commands issued to a slave by her Master take precedence over any other instructions given her/him. A slave must work to obey her/his Master's every wish without hesitation, without question and with utmost devotion.

If the orders given to a slave by any Freeperson contradict those issued by her/his Master, the slave should politely explain this to them. Her/his Master's orders automatically overrule those of other Freepersons, no matter who they are. If a slave can see that there is a potential for a conflict she/he should politely inform the Freeperson in advance or at the earliest opportunity.

This is a Gorean lifestyle channel, Free will act as Goreans, sa fori will act as slaves, if this can not be done. then go to a D/s channel, and we wish you well.
Since true Goreans do not use chairs, but sit cross-legged on furs, rugs, or mats, lapping is impossible without breaking the Master's legs. A sa fora, with permission from the Ubar or Sword, may kneel at the left side of a Master.
Sa fora may accept gifts from Masters/Mistresses with permission, the permission must be from her Master or if he is absent or she is uncollared, the Ubar or a Sword of the Camp.
Be aware that Bakahs' sa fori, although still property, have a little more freedom than city kajirae. Especially over their bodies and who may use them. The Ubar of the Camp can override this either pro or con.
Also know that the Bakahs are raiders and make their living by raiding other tribes, the Wagon people, caravans, and cities. However - as long as you are at the Oasis you are a G/guest, both Free or slave, and your safety is assured.

The Heif, a tea ceremony, not like the Bazi, is done with one that is or is to be a friend.

The 'Giving of Salt' where a Bakah gives one a small pouch of salt, makes the one receiving the salt a more lasting friend.

The "Sharing of Salt":
A pinch of salt from both parties is placed in the salt pouch of the other, then shook up, if ever the salt is separated the friendship ends (which is impossible); a second pinch is placed on the back of the other's hand and is licked off; the relationship then becomes one of a "blood brother". It is a bond that can not be broken by anything.

To share salt is the highest honor that a Bakah can give anyone. Only death can break the bond.

Also know that the Bakahs are raiders and make their living by raiding other tribes, the Wagon people, caravans, and cities. However - as long as you are at the Oasis you are a G/guest, both Free or slave, and your safety is assured.

Finally, if you ask for something in the Camp that is not practiced here - no matter if it is standard pratice elsewhere - you will be asked for "Book, chapter and page". If you can supply this, and it is found to be correct, your request will be honored, if not, then it will not, NO "ands", "ifs", or "buts".