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       Welcome to the AB Tribute Site Alliance, a site whose purpose is not only to educate people about Ashleigh Banfield, but also to condense some of the greatest sites about her into one place.  The websites who bare the AB Tribute Site emblem are considered some of the finest fan sites on the Internet for Ashleigh Banfield.

Who is Ashleigh Banfield?
Why would a journalist have fans?
What is the purpose of this alliance?
Why haven't I seen Ashleigh on television lately?
How can I support Ashleigh?
Can my site become a member?

Who is Ashleigh Banfield?
    Ashleigh Banfield, born in Canada, is a journalist who currently works for MSNBC and NBC News.  She is not just any journalist; she is an intelligent, articulate journalist who dives into reporting the news by getting inside the story, not just by scratching the surface.  Her determination to get the whole story is evident by her traveling to war zones in the Middle East and Central Asia to do reports for MSNBC, often times risking her life.
    No better example of risking her life exists than when she reported on September 11, 2001 from the streets of Manhattan.  Nearly suffocated by a debris cloud from a collapsing World Trade Center tower, Ashleigh managed to make her way into a street shop and in the process pulled a New York Police Department officer to safety inside along with her.  This day saw her ability to report shine.  After this day of events, MSNBC sent her around the world to produce a program, A Region in Conflict.
    A Region in Conflict was broadcasted mainly from Pakistan and Afghanistan, hardly considered friendly to any Westerner.  While in these locations, Ashleigh spoke with locals, digging into the stories of the day from that area of the world.  This "next-generation" style of reporting has made her name famous, a reason why so many are interested in her journalism.  Ashleigh Banfield is accredited with being able to report the news in an unbiased manner, being a Canadian citizen.  On a daily basis, Ashleigh Banfield, in addition, would read viewer e-mails on air, typically airing two at a time to keep the news balanced.  More commonly, viewers would have questions about the stories she has reported, which required no political balance, just the facts without a spin.


Why would a journalist have fans?
Why does Michael Jordan have fans?  Could it be the skills he used to play basketball?  His uniqueness or his greatness, or maybe just even his character?  Ashleigh Banfield has fans for similar reasons.  Those who take an interest in her reports can clearly see how she uses her excellent communication abilities.  She is able to "walk-and-talk," moving in and out of buildings, across landscapes, all while talking to her audience, and it's typically live!  When out in the field, or even in the studio, she can be seen with her trademark yellow notepad.   It's for looks, right?  No, it's not.  Ashleigh uses these genuinely and it shows.  Maybe other journalists would be better off with pen and paper rather than a TelePrompTer.
    When doing her style of reporting, Ashleigh has no use for a TelePrompTer.  Whenever she has a guest, it's almost always unscripted and live.  Her ability to take her audience on tours of her locations is another reason why her reporting is better than the others.  To date, there is no other reporter who is able to have such an influence on viewers in this manner, a reason why Ashleigh's popularity only continues to grow.  Moreover, anyone who has met Ashleigh Banfield, has always been left with the impression of a kind, generous person.  It's clearly evident that she acts like a real person, taking interest in others.


What is the purpose of this alliance?
The purpose of this alliance is to bring the best Ashleigh Banfield fan sites together to express their overall opinion and to provide links to their sites for even more Ashleigh information and support.  This alliance hopes to honor the very deserving Ashleigh Banfield.  To get to these sites, just click on their names in the banner at the top of this page.


Why haven't I seen Ashleigh on television lately?
Unfortunately, Ashleigh Banfield hasn't had much air time due to her important work of researching stories for MSNBC and NBC News.  Beginning in January 2003, Ashleigh Banfield started doing reports for NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw.  It is expected that if conflict with Iraq occurs, Ashleigh will immediately be dispatched to the region to cover the war, one of the best topics she is able to cover, evident from her recent experiences.


How can I support Ashleigh?
You are able to support Ashleigh Banfield by simply signing up and participating in the
Ashleigh Banfield Group @ MSN.  If you take a deep interest in this wonderful journalist, you are able to build a website.  An easy, free, and recommended site to build on is Angelfire.  Once your site is built, please submit it to the AB Tribute Site Alliance.


Can my site become a member?
Why, of course it can!  The AB Tribute Site Alliance makes an effort to only be affiliated with the best Ashleigh Banfield sites so please make your site great!  Remember, it's in honor of Ashleigh!  To submit your website, please email