Kelly's Commercial Directory, 1855


A parish, and small but decayed town, giving name to the Hundred in which it is located, in Alderbury Union, South Wiltshire, 90 miles south west from London, and 7 miles south-east by south from Salisbury, is situated in a vale, watered by the Upper Avon, in three channels; it is of considerable antiquity, and formerly returned tow members to Parliament, in the interest of the Earl of Radnor, but was disfranchised by the Reform Act of 1832.

The market has long been discontinued, but two annual fairs are still held on 23rd April and 2nd October, principally for horses and sheep.

A castle of considerable dimensions existed here at an early period, which, from its position commanded the river Avon and the valley in which it stood. The only remains, a large conical mound, and other lofty earthworks have been formed into terraces, amidst the plantations of a garden.

The living is a vicarage, in the diocese of Salisbury, returned of the annual value of £571 and in the patronage of Winchester College; the Rev. Richard Payne, B.C.L. is the present vicar. The Church, dedicated to St. Lawrence, is an ancient structure, with nave, chancel, and square tower, which was raised 30 feet in its height, in 1791, at the expense of the Earl of Radnor. In the chancel are several monuments to the Duncombe family; the principal are those of Anthony, Lord Feversham, of Downton, who died in 1763, and of Sir Charles Duncombe who died in 1711.

A new church, with small belfry and spire in the ancient style of architecture, and dedicated to All Saints, was erected at Charlton, in this parish, about 1854; the Rev. Henry Osborne Jenkins, M.A., is curate.

A church in the same style, and dedicated to St. Mary, has been erected at Redlynch; the Rev. John Emra M.A., is curate. The ecclesiastical district of Redlynch contained in 1851, 1,290 inhabitants. The Reformed Wesleyans have recently opened a chapel here.

There are several Dissenting places of worship, as well as National and British schools. Here are paper and corn mills, and a tanyard; malting is also carried on to a considerable extent, and there is brick making and lime burning.

On a high hill, overlooking Downton from one side of the Lymington Road is an entrenched area, called Clerbury Camp.

The parish comprises about 1,200 acres of good arable pasture soil. The population, in 1851, was 3,898, with 13,221 acres; the population of the town is 2,727.

Woodfalls, Pensworth, Barford, Titchbourn and Lushingar are in the parish. The tithings are Charlton, Church, East Downton, Hamptworth, Wick and Walton, and Witherington with Langley Wood, extra-parochial.

Bailey Mr John Gibbs
Bradley Captain William Richard, R.N.
Clare Mrs Frances
Collier Rev. John Thomas (Baptist Minister)
Dyer Mrs
Emra Rev. John, M.A. Redlynch
Ferryman Robert Augustus, Esq. Redlynch House
Harris Rev. George H.
Hooper Richard Henry, Esq.
James Rev. John
Jenkyns Rev. Henry Osborne, M.A. Charlton
Matcham George, Esq. New House
Maton Mrs Charlotte
Payne Rev. Richard
Shafto Robert Eden Duncombe, Esq. Hampworth Lodge
Shuckburgh Mrs Henrietta
Street Mr John, sen. Langley Cottage
Welch Edward Esq. M.D.
Whitchurch William West, Esq.
Worrall William, Esq.
Wyndham Mrs

Arney James, Baker & Shopkeeper
Atkinson John, Farmer, Charlton
Bailey Henry Smith, Plumber, Glazier & painter
Bailey John, Wheelwright
Bailey John, Hairdresser
Barling John, Malster
Barling Moses, Baker & Grocer
Blake James, King's Arms
Blake John, Tailor
Bryant James, Beer Retailer, Redlynch
Bryant John, Beer Retailer, Redlynch
Bundy George, Boot & Shoe Maker
Bundy George, Carrier
Chalk James, Relieving Officer for Downton District, Alderbury Union
Chalk John, Parish Clerk and Boot & Shoe Maker
Cheater William, Wheelright
Cooper George, Blacksmith
Drake William, Butcher
Eastman William & Henry, Wood Turners
Evans Ann (Mrs.), Draper
Everly Jacob, Boot & Shoe Maker
Fanstone George, Grocer, Saddle Maker & Harness Maker
Fanstone Richard, Butcher
Frewen John Henry, Grocer
Futcher Charles, Tailor
Gauntlet George, Boot & Shoe Maker
Gay Charles, Farmer, Titchbourn Farm
Gilbert Frances, Ironfounder, Semaphore House
Goulding Ann (Mrs.) George & Dragon
Goulding John, Three Horse Shoes
Gray Thomas, Shopkeeper & Baker, Redlynch
Gwyer Charles, Farmer, Lodge Farm
Gwyer Elizabeth (Mrs.), Farmer, Woodfalls
Gwyer Charles, Farmer, Loose Hanger
Hayter William, Tailor
Hickman Francis, Shopkeeper
Hindes William, New Inn
Holding James, Blacksmith, Redlynch
Hooper Richard Henry, Surgeon
Hopgood Sidney, Coach Builder
Humby John, Boot & Shoe Maker
Humby Samuel, Stag, Charlton
Humby William, Blacksmith, Charlton
Humby William, Blacksmith
Kendall Samuel, Tailor
Latty Henry, Boot & Shoe Maker
Mannings George, Miller Malster, Lime Burner, Farmer, Brick Maker & Corn Dealer
Maton Letitia (Mrs.), Farmer, Charlton
Miles John, Cooper
Mitchel Frederick, Shop Keeper
Mussell Benjamin, Carpenter & Wheelwright
Mussell James, Shopkeeper
Mussell Mary (Miss), Shopkeeper
Mussell Sarah (Miss), Straw & Tuscan Maker
Mussell William, Baker
Newman Frederick, hairdresser
Nicholas James, Sub-Postmaster
Nobbs William, Shopkeeper
Noyce Ambrose, Shopkeeper
Olding John, Blacksmith
Parsons & Nicholas, Stationers, Tailors, Drapers & Hatters
Parsons Samuel, Grocer
Perren John, Boot & Shoe Maker
Plaskett George, Beer Retailer, Redlynch
Plaskett William, King's Head, Redlynch
Poore Charles, Shopkeeper
Poore John, Tailor
Quinton Richard, Carrier
Ragless John, Bull & Maltster
Read John, Farmer, New Court
Read Josiah, Farmer, Charlton
Read Thomas, Registrar of Marriages
Reeves John, Timber Merchant & Malster
Roles John, Grocer
Roles Richard, Carrier
Shelly Stephen, Blacksmith, Redlynch
Sims William, Blacksmith
Small William, Shopkeeper & Baker
Snelgrove Elizabeth (Mrs.), Shopkeeper & Carrier, Redlynch
Snelgrove William, Bricklayer & Iron Monger
Stradling William Jnr., Paper Maker
Strea John, Builder, Lock's Cottage
Street William, Farmer, Wick Farm
Thornton John, Farmer
Thornton Jonathan, Farmer
Thornton Jonathan, Farmer, Redlynch
Thornton Silas, Farmer Malster & Cattle
Thornton Thomas, Plumber, Glazier & Painter
Thornton William, Farmer
Tilt William, Boot & Shoe Maker
Weeks John, Blacksmith, Redlynch
Wilkins Daniel, Wood Dealer & Beer Retailer, Redlynch
Witt, Lock & Co., Chemists, Druggists, Patent Medicine Vendors & Stationers
Woodford John, Baker
Woodlands John, Tanner
Woolcocks Sarah (Miss), Mistress of British School for Girls
Wort John, Blacksmith & Wheelwright, Redlynch

Post Office:
John Nicholas, Receiver
Letters arrive from Salisbury at 10 min. past 5 a.m.; & are despatched at 10 min. past 8 p.m. The box closes at half past 7 p.m.
The nearest money order office is Salisbury

Insurance Agent:
George Mannings (Royal Farmers' Fire & Life)

Public Officers:
James Chalk, Registrar of Births & Deaths
Thomas Read, Registrar of Marriages

Public Schools:
British (boys) - Thomas Read, Master
British (girls) - Miss Sarah Woolcocks, Mistress
National (boys) - John Fleming, Master

Carriers to Romsey:
Richard Quinton, from his own house once a week

Carriers to Salisbury:
Roles, Bundy & Snelgrove from their own houses, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday

Carriers to Southampton:
Henry Read, every Thursday