History of Stephen Loomer
Stephen Loomer is the first person of that surname appearing in the Colonial records. He was a resident of New London, Conn. in 1687. He was, no doubt, an Englishman but from what part of England he came, when he arrived in New England, and who were his parents are unknown to the writer. He married Mary Miller, a daughter of George Miller of Groton, Conn., just across the Thames River to the east.

Mr. Miller was a resident of Groton as early as 1679, possibly earlier, and died there in 1690. Stephen Loomer was the administrator of his estate, and on Nov. 25, 1690, filed an inventory. The Court entered an order distributing the estate, - one fourth to each of descendant’s three daughters, Mary Loomer, Sarah, the second wife of John Packer, 2nd, and Priscilla, wife of James Mr. Miller and one eighth to the son and one eighth to the daughter of Edward Stallion whose deceased second wife Elizabeth was a daughter of Mr. Miller.

On July 21, 1692 Stephen Loomer sold the house and lands at New London which he had purchased of David Carpenter, to William Horsy of that place.

Stephen Loomer died at New London in 1700, leaving his widows Nary, and five minor children, The widow was the administratrix of his estate. In June, 1713 she and her then husbands Caleb Abell, "appeared at Court and declared that they have no account of charge to give in against said estate, and prey that distribution may be made thereof". They also declared that John, oldest son of said Loomer, hath been gone to sea about eleven years, and not heard oft arid that therefore they believe he Is dead", The other son of said Loomer, vis:-Samuel, appeared at the court and deposed that "the homestead might be let out to him for as much as it cannot be divided among the children without prejudice to or spoiling it" * * * "Upon consideration of the whole matter, this Court proceeded to make distribution of the said Loomer's estate as follows, viz:- To the said Mrs. Abell, who was widow and relict of the deceased, one third part of the real estate during her life, being 16 pounds, 13s 4d and one third of the personal estate forever, being 31 pounds, 16s 0d. To Samuel whom the Court thin to be the only Son surviving, a double portions being 38 pounds, 15s 5d, and to the three daughters 19 pounds, 79 9d a piece and this Court do order the homestead to Samuel excepting the widow's part." Mr. Joshua Hempstead, Robert Lattamore and Mr. Jonas Green of New London were appointed to appraise the estate and divide it according to the order of distribution. It was ordered by the Court that the four children to whom two thirds of the estate was distributed, enter into a bond of 20d for the son and 10d for each of the daughters "on condition that If the eldest son be living and should ever return to demand his portion of the above estate they win each of them pay and deliver to him their shares of his part of the estate". The Diary of Joshua Hempstead states "on Monday, Dec. 21, 1713, I was at how at work in ye forenoon in ye afternoon I was in town ye dividing Loomer estate".

On June 25, 1701, Mary, the widow of Stephen Loomer, married Caleb Abell a widower of Norwich, Conn., and soon afterwards removed with her children to that place,- a city on the Thames River about 12 miles north of New London. Caleb Abell and his brothers Benjamin and Joshua probably came from Dedham. They were among the earliest settlers of Norwich and were influential in the government of the town. Caleb Abell was a prominent man there held many town offices, and was sergeant in 1702. He died August 7, 1731 at Norwich. We do not have the date or place of the death of Mary (Miller) Loomer-Abell but she died after Aug. 7. 1731, From the LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST IN NEW LONDON CONN., it gives "Mary Loomer admitted to membership in 1696", Mr. Abell had eight children at the time be married her, and they had at least one child, a son Noah who was born Dec. 25 1706 at Norwich; married May 23, 1729, Anna Marshall; and had five children.

Will of Caleb Abell made July 30, 1728: "As to my well beloved life Mary having already made provision for her comfortable maintenance after my decease I do hereby confirm that and moreover give unto her the bed & bedstead, bolster & pillows that lies in the west room, together with one pair of sheets, two blankets & a coverlet, and the curtains, that belong to it and also the use of the warming pan during her occasion for it." (Part of the will)Sept. 7, 1691; married for his second wife Abigail Brigham, Dec. 13, 1721, and died April 10, 1760.

Source: Ancestors of Jim Terry - http://users.legacyfamilytree.com/Dunn-Terry/f253.htm#f1063