Downton Baptist Church

Below is a map of the Downton Baptist Church graveyard prepared by Cliff Long in 2012. There are several headstones with Eastman names, which I have highlighted in yellow.
Isaac Eastman (1897) (Picture)
Henry (1859) and Ruth Eastman (Picture)
William (1873) and Elizabeth (1891) Eastman (Picture)
H. Eastman (1917) and M.A. Eastman (1920)
George Eastman (1920)
To see a closer view, I have made an image map of the graveyard, divided into four parts, upper and lower left, and upper and lower right. To see each section more closely, just click on the various parts of the map. The map was quite large and I had to piece it together and reduce it's size to fit the monitor. So if you can't read something, just e-mail me and I can let you know what it says from the original that I have.

Acknowledgement: Cliff Long and Paul Bromage, Feb 2012