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June & Bud
June Hakanson & Bud Ballinger

Ernest & Margaret
Ernest & Margaret Ballinger 50th Anniversary

Charles & Sylvia Loomer
Charles & Sylvia Loomer

Leslie (Ballinger)
Leslie Ballinger Arne

LouvaJoy, Bud,
Idamae, June
Louva Joy, Bud, Idamae and June

June Carlson &
Eric Peterson
June Carlson and Eric Peterson

LaRae, Idamae,
& Roy
LaRae, Idamae and Roy

June, Ernie, Reggie
Reggie Greig, June & Ernie Carlson

Roberta Blair
Roberta Blair

Tori Thiery
Tori Thiery

Idamae & June
Idamae and June

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