Swimming + Diving Page
2003-2004 Team Captain- I was voted team captain for next year's season along with Preston Schmidt, Aaron Earhardt, and Justin Berger.
Nominated for Athlete of the Month "February"
I have been on the Swimming + Diving Team for 2 years (Freshman and Sophomore). My freshman year I qualified for state in the Diving event and placed 15th at state. This year I placed 8th at state with 1 failed dive and 262 points. I made a score of 300.80 points (qualifying is 220) to place 3rd at WDA which puts me on All Conference. My currently best dive would be the forward 2 1/2 summersault (watch video below).
I can do this dive better off of a 1 meter board
This is a 3-meter dive that would really hurt
Results at State after preliminaries (5 dives)
(realize that I am beating all of the seniors)
This is what happens when they take your picture at 6:00 in the morning.
2001-2002; 5th Place Team At State
2002-2003; 3rd Place Team At State
Sweet Diving Pics
Me completely vertical while doing a back 1 summersault 1/2 twist
Me attempting a back 1 1/2 summersault 1/2 twist
Me doing a 2 1/2 summersault
(I've already done a complete summersault in the air)
This is what Swimming is about!!!