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Below you will find my picks for the Super Bowl.  Last week I went 2-0)


          My picks are organized from best to least.



#1 is my best pick and #4 is my least recommended pick


1. New England +13.5 versus St. Louis Rams

          New England

          Everyone seems to agree that New England Should not be in the Super Bowl.  First Miami Fluttered into the Playoffs and New England clinched the Division during their bye-week (because of an Oakland loss).  Second, the Patriots should not have beaten Oakland because of a bad rule (unfortunately the right call).  Third, if not for their special teams, New England would have lost to Pittsburgh 17-10.  However, there is a reason why the game is played.  If they only played the game on paper it would be Pittsburgh versus St. Louis.  Every team can say "if we would have done [whatever] then we would be in the Super Bowl.  There is one difference between the Patriots and the other 29 teams, the Patriots are in the Super Bowl and it is not because of a whole bunch of "ifs" it is because they are a good team, a very good team.  The main Problem is that the Rams are better.  The New England offense has only scored 23 points in two games in the playoffs.  Their defense/special teams has accounted for 14 points in the playoffs.  Warner will make mistake which will keep New England close throughout the game.  This will not be the Green Bay Blow out.

          St. Louis

          Rams are the Rams are the Rams.  They will win this game, there is no question about that.  However, will they be able to cover 13.5 points -- I don't think so.  New England can ball control with the best of them.  But they ball control with short passing instead of running.  Compare this: Warner vs. Brady: Advantage Rams; Faulk vs. Antowain Smith (or Kevin Faulk): advantage Rams; I. Bruce vs. T. Brown: Advantage Rams; T. Holt v. D. Patten: advantage Rams; Rams revamped defense vs. N.E. Defense: Advantage Rams; Big Play of Rams offense vs. Control style of Patriots: Advantage Rams.  All the indicators point to the Rams in a blow-out.  However, Warner does make mistakes (watch for 3 or 4 interceptions in this Super Bowl Game) and if the Patriots control the ball for at least 1/2 of this game, the Patriots actually have a small chance of winning. 


Take: New England +13.5


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