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    Cycling 2004


DATE: Dec.5

LOCATION: Athens,Ga.- park

DRIVING DISTANCE:  75 miles round trip 

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Fast and fairly flat. The course started on a paved section then veered onto the grass and into the first barrier section, a triple this went into the woods which were preceded by a log that had to be jumped. Then into a fast down hill section through the woods ,a quick right and left past the pavilion and back onto a paved  path which went down fast to the beach area. Next back to the grass and the next barrier section, a run up with 3 barriers. then its a fast grass section and back onto the road past the start finish line.





Had a week off for Thanksgiving


Had a week off for Thanksgiving





This week seemed to be the coldest so far, actual temperature wise anyhow. No wind to speak of, but cold. I had two weeks off because of Thanksgiving. As I have stated, good and bad. I tried to keep my riding up through this holiday, I did pretty good and actually made it out onto the road one day for a ride.

I felt pretty good today, I was worried Saturday as my legs felt pretty tight all day and there is a bad bug running through the family. So I was fighting and hoping not to catch that.

This week also saw the smallest field so far, with only about 6 or 7 of us men's "C" category lined up at the start. Since we had such a small turnout, the women and juniors decided to go out together.

I had a great start, I came out strong, made it through the first and second barriers good thought the fast woods section I was on the wheel of a guy that usually takes first or second. Bad thing about this was he showed up about 5 minutes before the race started and didn't preview the course. I got worried at one point as the paved path went into a sharp right turn at the bottom and didn't want him doing something stupid in front of me, so I was yelling to  him what was coming up.

Anyway made it through the next set of barriers, the run up and back on my bike, I was flying, went around a hairpin corner and started to go to the paved section when I heard the "sssssss" noise out of my front tire. I pulled over and was in disbelief. I had flatted. Of all the bad times this could have happened it was today. NO support of any kind. Scott hadn't showed up today. And me with no spare wheels.

I pushed the bike over to the car, walked over to the judges and informed them that I was out. I was a bit piturbed. It was only after I had loaded everything up did I think about changing the tube and rejoining the race. I didn't think about it as an option at first as I thought that I could never get back into the race enough. Stupid! there was only 6 people in the race, I could have changed the tire and still managed a 6th place finish just for finishing!

Oh well, I was upset. We'll just chalk this one up to experience for next time.

Placing DNF