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Whats in a name

I get asked by most people that meet me where I got the name "Doobie".

The story I got, is that a friend of my uncle Joe gave it to me when I was around 3 months old. The original version of the name was "little duber".
I haven't got a clue as to the meaning of that.They were both in the Army at the time so maybe it had some sort of significance?

The original spelling was "Dubie".
As I got older I changed the spelling to its current form.

Until I moved to Georgia most people called me by Doobie.
Lately only my family and my close friends refer to me by Doobie.
I still feel more comfortable with Doobie.

What did a nickname do for me as I was growing up?
From what I have heard,it has actually kept me out of jail at least once.
Believe it or not,a good many of the people that knew me never knew my real name.

Self Fulfilling Prophecy
In a Socialogy class I had, The teacher mentioned the fact that your name could play a role in how you grow up.
Look at everybody you know with names like Graham,Tripp,Doobie and see what their past was like.
Doobie,need I say more