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This is "THE BALL"!

What is the ball you ask? It is a hand made rubber ball,yes thats right, a hand made rubber ball. Ever wonder what you can do with a can of rubber cement and a little time on your hands, well this is it.
I made this when I was working on 3rd shift and processing returned merchandise for my company.Someone returned a couple of quarts of rubber cement and Paul Handlos and I desided to make these balls.
I'm not sure exactly how we came to do this.
The process took about a week or more to do.It involved spreading the glue over a flat area and letting it dry.Then you would start with a little piece and just start to roll it up.Keep repeating the process until ball is of desired size or you run out of cement.
The ball pitured is about 1.5 inches.Pauls was even bigger.
Do they bounce? Just like a real rubber ball. We were able to hit the roof of our warehouse with them.