It only goes to show you, hard work and dedication pays off. I'd like to thank each and every web master who graced me with their award. Each award is also a link back to the webmasters' web site where the award came from. There is some great talent being shown off in those web pages. Go check them out, and don't for get to sign their guest book's.
Tell them Tony sent ya!
your site was nominated for an award from my site - upon reviewing your site I am pleased to announce that it met the requirements
Thank you Rod!
I am truly honored to recieve it!
Tony, I have to say first and foremost, I was a little weary of your site being a vegan, but as I live in Sydney, I have never seen a wild buck or doe ... or even a black bear for that fact unless they have been stuffed. It was great reading those stories, Especially those of you and Kim out hunting. It's great getting some info into the cultures and hobbies of all those around the world, Im thankful you can share that online.
Please sign this new Guestbook, having problems with the other. New Guestbook added on August 10, 2003
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Hunting With Tony