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These two pictures somewhat represent what we see angels as.

The next three pictures represent the new life styles of angels, I do not believe God's angels would look like this, as they look to much like the world, there is too much flesh shown and they appear enticing, not Godly.

This next picture I feel is dealing with mysthisim, look at the planets and things around her. Again too much flesh being shown, this is not how God tells women to dress like, would He expect more out of woman than He does angels

I am sorry but I can not agree with these angels, none of them from the first picture to the last and here is why.

For years there has been a misconception about angels, I would like to take a few minutes here to try and correct some of this false information.

Almost everywhere you go you will see pictures of angels as well as statues, almost all of these are women. A big percentage of what you see are big bosomed women with a lot of flesh exposed. Is this really what angels are? Is this what God would use to represent an angel?

In the Bible every place an angel is mentioned, except one, they are referred to as men. Now I know women are not mentioned a lot except in special cases, but the not mentioning of women angels is for a purpose.

Almost all mention of angels deals with battles, men are know as warriors, not women.

Now let me say there is a possibilty that there are Godly women angels. We do not fully understand nor are we told of everything within God's realm. I know if God should want an angel to take on a womans form that He could do that. What I am saying with this page is that no where in God's word does it actually referance a woman angel except one time as you will see as you read this. Basically what I am trying to point out is, what we associate with angels today is not Godly.

Let us look at another thing that indicates the angels were men.

Ge 6:1
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

It says here when man began to multiply and women were born unto them. Well we know that there were men born also, but this verse is setting the scene for the next verse.

Ge 6:2
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

That the sons of God, angels, notice it says sons, not daughters, indicating the male person, now if it had been female also, then it would have stated the sons and daughters of God, took husbands and wives of the men and women of man. As we can see that is not the case.

Another thing to consider here is this, these angels were of the fallen angels, those of Satan, not God.

With all of this in mind, then we must accept that angels were men. Except one situation.

Zec 5:5
Then the angel that talked with me went forth, and said unto me, Lift up now thine eyes, and see what is this that goeth forth.
Zec 5:6
And I said, What is it? And he said, This is an ephah that goeth forth. He said moreover, This is their resemblance through all the earth.

Now this ephah is similar to our bushel basket and it represents commerce and or trade.

Notice verse 6 says “and he said”, speaking of the angel talking to him, this angel was a man.

Zec 5:7
And, behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah.

The talent of lead represents the different nations that have their dealings or trading with this woman. This woman is the Whore of Babylon, the Great Mystery Babylon, mentioned in Revelations.

Zec 5:8
And he said, This is wickedness. And he cast it into the midst of the ephah; and he cast the weight of lead upon the mouth thereof.

Now look what we find in the next verse.

Zec 5:9
Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven.

Two women angels, these are angels of Satan or demons, not Godly angels for they are protecting the Whore of Babylon and they lift her up and and take her to the land of Shinar where she sets up her kingdom

Zec 5:10
Then said I to the angel that talked with me, Whither do these bear the ephah?
Zec 5:11
And he said unto me, To build it an house in the land of Shinar: and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base.

Where is the land of Shinar? If you will look at a Bible atlas you will see it is Babylon.

Now these verses are the only place in the Bible where I find it speaking of women angels. As you can see these women angels were of Satan or Demons. They were not Godly angels. I feel that we are doing God’s word an injustice by letting women represent angels, when the Bible plainly does not show this.