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Many times we have read or heard about people having a near death
experience. In most cases I would like to call this a misusage of
words. Spiritually speaking death is a separation from God, Life
is fellowship with God, therefore a near death experience would be
a near separation from God, yet when they speak of this event, they
tell of being in the presence of God, now if it was a near death, how
could they be in the presence of God.

In June of 1998 while delivering a message for the
Church services, at one of our Flea Markets, I had
a Heart attack. I went to our local hospital, after
test were done, they found that all my Arteries were
blocked and that I needed to have bypass surgery done.
I was transferred to another Hospital, where they
did the surgery, during the procedure I expired on
them three times, with the last one being the most
severe and where I was in this state for several minutes.

During this last period I had my near life experience,
I went from this world to a more beautiful world, one
of Life, not Death, one where all things was beautiful, where everyone was happy, where there was a close
fellowship with God, one of Life not Death.

I will try and describe this event for you, but really
words can not describe it or give it justice.

My story goes somewhat like so many others, I went
from a state of being into a state of being in total
darkness, there was nothing but total darkness. Then
I saw this bright light, a light that can not be explained
it not only lit up everything around, but also bathed
you in total love a love that can not be described,
you felt so relaxed, so wanted, so so happy.
As I stood there soaking in that love, I started seeing
things that I knew was to let me know it was all real.

First I stood in front of a field of Flowers, all colors,
all kinds, all sizes, they were all arranged in
this manner just as far as you could see, there were
rows of Tulips, rows of Roses etc, and they would
change places, for example there would be Roses, Tulips
Glads. etc, then you would see the Roses where the
Tulips were and the Tulips where the Glads. were and
so on, they were constantly changing then I saw my
mother, who had passed on several years ago standing in the
middle of them with her hands uplifted singing Praises to God.
(she loved Flowers.) After I viewed this for awhile,
the scene changed to a field with a stream running through it.
Then I saw my dad walking by this stream he too was
Praising God, then I saw one of my old Sunday School teachers
and a lot of other people that I had known that had
passed over, as I was viewing all of this and thinking
just how great it all was and how good it was to be home,
I was suddenly interrupted by a soft voice, that said:
"you see a lot of people here that you knew, and there
was a pause in His speach but there is a lot of people
that you knew that are not here, WHY?"

At this point I was taken into a differant setting and
given several Vision's and most of the meanings of them
and was told what I was to do with the information.

After this had gone on for what seems like hours, I felt
myself changing (I can not explain this) and then I
heard voices talking to me and I came too, back in
the recovery room.

After I was released from the hospital, and returned
to my home to recover I relived this experience.

For three days I could do nothing but let all of this
run through my mind and try to give logical
reasons for all of it, but in the end, I had to
admit that it was nothing more than

One Vision
