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This was written down in August of 1999

I would like to share with you a Vision I had during my Near Life
Experience. I truly believe God gave me this that I might share it
with others, so they may prepare themselves for an event that is going
to happen in the very near future.

While I was in the state I previously spoke of, I was shown some things
that I was to share with other people, as well as things that I was to
apply to my life.

In my dream I was standing in a valley of plenty, where
all kinds of crops were being grown, as I was looking
at the garden, leaves started falling everywheres,
they started falling so hard that it blocked off the
Sun and made it appear almost as night time. When the
leaves stopped falling and I was once more able to see
the garden, there was nothing there, everything had
been destroyed.

A voice or an impression said to me "This is the Time
of the Locust, in the next Time Period".

After I returned to my life and was taken to my
regular room, I lay there for several days thinking of
the things that had occurred. When this incident came
back to my mind I realized that the time span given
was from May through September, which is known as the Time of
the Locust, the beginning of this destruction, and the
time elapsed during the falling of the leaves
indicated a long period of time that crops would not
be available, the NEXT TIME period is to be the year 2001
or the 21st century.

It was plain to me that the falling leaves were not
Locust it was just to give a time, they did not
destroy the crops. I must say I do not know what
will destroy them, but I do know that something will
happen that will make fresh vegtables and fruit
unavailable, whatever this event is may even destroy
the buying of meat, as I saw no animals anywhere.
I know this event will be so tragic that it will bring
America to its knees for a spell

After I returned home, I would set in my chair thinking
of all the things I had seen, and I thought
to myself, "why was I shown these things, What
am I supposed to do about it?" then a voice spoke to
me "Tell my People"

I have tried to do this in different ways, now I use
this approach to try and tell others.

Now it is up to you the reader to determine what it
means in your life and what you will do about it.

I ask God's Blessings on each person that comes to these page's and reads them.

A Simple Update:

9 July 2000
Back in June I was concerned that I was not seeing some of the things come about that I thought would be happening. I prayed to God and asked" Lord was I making these things up, were they things that just come across my mind? Did you give me this information, if so please show me what is going on". At this point I heard that small gentle voice speak again and say "look back, are crops not failing in the South? What about the gas Prices?" then He threw one at me that left me in confusion, He asked What about the agreement your Goverment signed with China?" I did not know what He was talking about so I went out and bought Newspapers to catch up, I found where our Goverment had signed this trade agreement with China, I read where the Chinese officals made the boast that they would make us boom or bust. I read where some farms would be affected here in Kentucky. After I read all of this I then knew the things I was shown where things starting to take affect. Just the other day I read where there was a great concern about electricity, they were saying there was a possibility that the New England States and California could possible go into a Blackout State because of lack of power, they were not sure at present time, what avenues could be taken to prevent or control this situation. Research the News, is not the things I mentioned occuring.

Another Update

September 15, 2001
Is the event that occured on September 11, 2001 be what will bring America to its knees for a short period of time?

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