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Time Chart of the Ages

In studying the rapture there are several things one must be aware of in order to fully understand it.

One of the things we need to be aware of is dates or times mentioned.

2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

A lot of people tries to say that this verse does not mean the literal meaning, but it indicates that time is of no importance with God, as time just goes on.

But I feel like it has a strong reference to actual time in God's eye, and if one looks at what was being discussed when this statement was made, I believe they will see the same thing.

When Peter was talking here, he was talking about the return of the Lord, he was talking about God not being slack with His promise that what He said He would do and He was going to do it in the time allotted.

Now look at the chart below that I created.

Now if one wants to they can ignore the break down of the times I have entered, as far as the flood, bondage and all of that. But when you look you can still see there was 4000 years from creation until birth of Christ, and by using each 1000 years as one day, it was four days from creation till Christ. Now from Christ till now has been 2000 years or two days, for a total of six days.

Now when we go back and look at creation, we see that God did it all in six days (and this was six literal days, this can be proven by His using or reference of day and night) and at the end of the six days He said it was finished, then on the seventh day He rested and made it Holy.

It is my belief that this six day period of time also reflects our time with the exception that each day is 1000 years, and just as He said it was finished on the sixth day in Genesis, He will say it is finished with the sixth day of our time span. I believe our seventh day of rest will be the thousand years of rest that we know as the Milinium. I also believe that time span is now or within the next few years.

I know one question on your mind right now is "What about the tribulation period"? My answer to that is read my page about the 7th trumphet.

Now to look at this a little deeper we need to look at

Ex 19:10
And the LORD said unto Moses, Go unto the people, and sanctify them to day and to morrow, and let them wash their clothes,

Ex 19:11
And be ready against the third day: for the third day the LORD will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai.

Now even though this is speaking to Moses and the event that occured at Mt. Sinai, I believe it is also a sign of a future event that reflects to the return of Christ.

Now what did God tell them to do. Go and sanctify themselves the first day and second day, and to wash their cloths. How do we wash our cloths? In the blood of the Lamb.

It goes on to say that the third day the Lord would come down in the sight of His people. Is that not what is going to happen with the Rapture.

God is going to say "It is finished" and then start our day of rest.

Bible Study