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Dont forget to visit some of my PsP links, alot of my tubes and some of
the tutorials I have done came from these sites.

Everything on this website was made by kayz_graphics unless otherwise stated.
My tubes came from different tube sites that offer them for free. If there is
a tube or image you can claim Please e-mail me and I would gladly provide a
link to your site.

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The contents of this website are the property of Kayz_Graphics and are protected by the U.S. Copyright Laws, unless credit is given to another source in which the source's copyright laws must be followed. © 2002 Kay Kegeris: The copying or reproduction of this website, it's graphic's or any of it's content's in any manner is a violation of these laws. For any question's or comment's,
E-Mail me at :Kayz Graphic's
