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Emulator Challenges

Kelli Vs. Casey, Feb. 7-8

Tetris Attack-Endless Mode, Speed Lvl.1, Normal Difficulty*

I started things off by kicking Casey's butt at Tetris Attack... *Note: Actually, the results were thrown out... I didn't realize until after the game that I was on Easy Difficulty. He probably would've won. Nice score, though.

Mario Kart-Time Trial, Star Cup, Mario Circuit 4

The second round ended with a humiliating 7-second loss for me and sweet revenge for Casey.

Lufia II-All

This was just a fun thing after we ran out of games to compete on. I'm not very far along in Lufia II just yet, but I'm getting there. ^_^

Who Won?: No one. The results of the first match were inconclusive, and the third match was just for fun... I think Casey's ahead, though. -_- Arg. *goes to practice* I'll win next time!