Ky58 presents...

On April 2nd, 2002, I visited 'GROUND ZERO'
with my sister, Susan, and my friends, Ann and Harold...
It was a very 'eerie' and 'moving' experience...

The following poem was written by Charles Giardino
(Bronx, NYC) in the wake of the recent terrorist attack:


Anyone who was able to...
ran from the scene in absolute horror...
getting as far away as possible...
from the sounds and the stench of death...

'They' walked back in…

Anyone who was able to...
left the inferno...

That collapsing pile
of glass and steel...

'They' stayed around…

Back into the heat and flames...
and the soot and the ashes...
and the remains...

Picking out of the ruins, the remains of mothers...
grandfathers, two weeks shy of retirement...
young kids at their first jobs...
fathers who had kissed their children...
for the last time...

and others...
of every imaginable sort...
in every imaginable situation...
from all walks of life...

From Soho to West Harlem
From Gramercy to Bedford Park...

All equally 'taken' on a clear September day...

'Death' has no favorites...

There are survivors...
anyone who was pulled from the wreckage...
anyone who was rescued from the rubble...
by our bravest and finest...

Anyone who made it...
was cheered...
making us forget for a moment...
the thousands who did not...

All our bewilderment...
all our anger and pain...
was shared by our Heroes...

Every generation has their greatest...
who give their all...
in the line of duty...
who walk back in...
who stay while others run...

God bless the policemen...
the firemen and other rescue workers...

Give them the strength to go on...
so many of their brothers were taken...

Forever, our hearts are with you...
forever, our prayers are yours...

More than two hundred stories fell that day...

many more are yet to be told

Ground Zero Editorial

The Faith of Todd Beamer

An American

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