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Migration from Green & Taylor Co., Ky to Mason City, Ill by Elsie Bustle Lewis

In my research of Cargill's ancestors of Green & Taylor Co., Ky, I find many familise came in early 1800's to this area. I have heard many times "if you took all Ky. people out of Mason City, there wouldn't be many left." Course now, most all old timers are gone, but leave many descendants of Ky. natives! The Mentor Graham (Graeme) family of Green Co. came as early as 1820's & settled at New Salem. He was a teacher & good friend of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln lived with the Graham family while being taught. Mentor & wife Sarah Rafferty are buried at Farmer's Point cemetery 3 miles south of New Salem. The original Graham family came from Scotland in 1701, but were deproted first to England & then to Northern Ireland because of political differences with King James. Our first immigrant settled in Pa. then to North Carolina. Then our line came to Green Co., Ky. in 1780's by pack hourse & walking through the Cumberland Gap. Cargill's Great Grandmother was Ann (Graham) Lewis. Many other relatives are scattered throughout Ill. as they came from Ky. Later in 1800's & into 1900's many famiies came this way. Names were-Graham, Elmore, Akin, Marcum, Skaggs, Close, Vaughn, McCubbins, Cantrell, Dobson, Rafferty, Bumgardner, Stinnett, Durien, Bale, Bagby, all these names are connected to the Lewis family in some way. Some came & then decided to return to Ky. Cargill's Dad, Hub, was born 1904 at Summersville, Green Co., His family moved to Taylor Co. around 1917. He came to Mason City, worked awhile & went back to Cmapbellsville. He married & came back out here. Several times he & his family returned to Ky.only to come back & finally settled by 1932. He had 3 brothers that came out, but went back to Taylor Co.for good. Cargill's Mother, Nellie Wilson, born 1905 at Elkhorn, Taylor Co. She & her family came to Mason City when she was small. She & her sister Rosa attended the East Side Grade School. That was around 1910. Cargill & Son Bob also attended there in later years. They also lived in Salt Creek at one time. Then they returned to Ky. She & Hub were married in 1922 & after Pauline was born n 1924 they returned to Mason City where Cargill was born in 1926. Once again they erturned to Ky. and Eugene was born in 1930. after that they came back to Mason City and Margaret was born in 1932. Guess they decided to stay here for good! Nellie's family connections were Willard Wilson, her brother. Her cousins Tom Carroll, Ira & Madude Jones, Ben & Ermine Jones, Willie & Lucy Jones. Ralph Benedict's 1st wife, Sarah, was a sister to Nellie's Mother, Myrtle (Harrison) wilson. Then came the Owen Reed Family consisting of Leonard Reed. Gowdy Bigs was a cousin settling at Greenview. More families that came were Elisha Williams, Burris, Boston, Salesman & Milby. To Easton came the Hardy, Perkins, Hubbard, Baynes, Kessler, Hawks, Sidebottom & many more. The Hudgins family also related to Hub. They came from many more counties, always looking for a more prosperous place. Mason City is well represented by Ky. natives.