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Cocoa Teddy (aka Teddy Bear)

Hi, I'm the Teddy Bear, and that's me up above playing with my old dinner bowl. You'll have to pardon the wild look about me, hehe, Mom's call me their wild child.

I was born November 22nd, 2000. I just turned 1. Mom's had me a party, I didn't really care about that. I just wanted what I knew was some cool toys and treats they had for me.

I'm the type that really enjoys romping around. I really give my family a run for it. But don't let them fool ya, they love it just as much as I do. They really love it when I pounce on them and give their whole face a bath full of puppy smooches.

My other half is Keesha Sunshine. I really like to bark at her. LOL. It just drives her banana's. It's all the plan. hehe. But she does have my total respect. She gave me 5 pups on August 23rd, 2001. Their romping around here some where on these here pages. (Just like their momma). Stop back by sometime, we are always putting up more pictures and stuff. But beware I am always on the look out for new faces to wash. :D