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There's A Place In My Heart  

There is a place down deep in my heart,
That has sheltered me many a year,
A stronghold of Faith that defies all the worst
That we're bound to come up against here.
There is a place in my heart full of Hope,
Like a spring in the desert of living,
And it's waters are cool and they nourish my soul,
With the joy of unselfish giving.

There is a place in my heart full of Love,
That warms through the coldest night.
Sustaining me always in spite of my fears,
As I walk toward the tunnel of light.
For I am a child of the Lord, and I know
From the start of each day "til it's close,
That Faith, Hope and Love are dear to His heart,
...And He's given me plenty of those.

- Grace E. Easley  


A Quiet Place in the Heart

Keep a quiet little place
where only you can go,
A place securely set aside to think,
to breathe, to grow...
Don't think that you'll be lonely there,
for God is close beside you;
His messages will all come through
to comfort and to guide you.
Life's burdens grow much lighter
for all those who've set apart
A quiet place for God to dwell
at peace within the heart.

- Author Unknown