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The Butterfly symbolizes Freedom,
New Beginnings, Rebirth, and Resurrection.

Beginning life as a worm like creature
called a caterpillar, he is bound to the earth.
He will go through various stages of growth,
until eventually a chrysalis forms around him
which protects and hides him,
and an amazing transformation occurrs inside.
He then emerges a beautiful winged creature.
As he basks in the warm rays of the sun's light
the butterfly's wings receives energy and strength..
He then is free to rise above the confines of earth...
He then live's life anew.

Like a butterfly we also begin life bound to the earth.
We also will experience various stages of growth.

Those who live their life in Christ Jesus
will be surrounded with His protective covering.
Through the work of His Holy Spirit
an amazing transformation will occur within us.
We will become a beautiful new creature.

As we walk in the Son's light and
bask in the warmth of His love,
like the butterflys wings, our hearts and souls
will receive energy and strength
to rise above the confines of this earth.
We will live our lives anew.

Being made perfect in Christ
we will receive God's Promised Gift of Eternal Life,
leaving this imperfect world to dwell forever
in the perfect heavenly light and love of our Lord.