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Maps of a couple places I've been

1628.4 miles from my town to Castle Dale, UT. Done in under 48 hours. Thanks Mapquest

Area of Castle Dale

Red star in center shows Castle Dale (the one woman town I lived in.) Black circle to the right is the upper portion of the San Rafeal Swell, where I worked and the kids were. No paved roads out there, be sure to bring a 4-wheel drive. The pink line headed north on highway 10 shows how to get to the hot springs, its about a 2 hour drive. Mainly because of Price and Spanish Fork Canyons, almost all uphill to the springs. Salt Lake City, Provo, Orem and others are north of Spanish Fork.

Road Trip to Kanab

The pink line shows the way from Castle Dale to Kanab, blue shows way back. Zion, Grand Staircase/Escalante, Bryce was just a couple places we stopped.
