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The San Rafeal Swell is high desert, with junipers, pinyon pines, cacti and all sorts of wildlife. Ranging from Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Lions, Beaver, Bobcat, Desert Cottontails, Jackrabbit and all manner of little critters that love to steal your stuff. Especially if its a gold necklace you took off to take a bath.

Bottle- neck Peak

One morning the clouds were wrapped around the peak. Only leaving the top and very bottom in view. AMAZING!!! Buckhorn Wash

The wash is a truly awesome places to be. With rock formations towering over you by 6 to 700 feet. Not a very nice place to be when you've had a hard storm move thru the wash. The whole place could flood, leave you stranded on a hill waiting for hours as the water resides. Buckhorn Wash

The San Rafeal is whole lot different than the rivers I'm used too. It can be a nice day, no clouds in the sky, and the river is running clear (well as clear as it gets.) Then 20 minutes later it's full of silt, from a storm 5, 10, 20 miles away. The soil structure won't hold much water, so after a few minutes of rain it just washes down and anything in its path goes with it. Only treating your water works here, pumps are obsolete they just get clogged.
