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A haunting cackle peneterates the silence of the frosty air;
She's whisking along on a broomstick from her evil lair.
Who's the unlucky soul she will torment with a bewitching spell?
By the light of the silvery moon, no one will live to tell.

Perched upon her bony skull, she wears a pointed, but ancient hat;
Crouched beside her on the broomstick, sits a magnificent black cat.
She's a horrible hag with gnarled fingers and a hooked nose.
It's no wonder she sends people screaming wherever she goes.

On Halloween night, there isn't a limit to what she can do,
Find a secret hideaway today, before she discovers you.
She strikes fear in the hearts of every man, woman, and child.
A wicked witch is out on the town, now isn't that wild !

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Tiffney's Crib