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J.R. 's Family

James Reynolds , my oldest child just turned twenty-two years old . He is married to Tammy and they have three kids. Susan and Christina who are my step grand daughters and James Allen, who is the only bilogical grand child I have at the present time. Of course the girls are loved by granny the same as their little brother. Tammy is a wonderful mother and a great wife to my son J.R. (that is what the family calls James Reynolds )He works every day and afterwards ,he likes to play the sega games or nitendo games as well as he plays on the computer . They all three can be very addictive. (hehehehe)Tammy is a working mother and she relaxes by playing on the computer or sewing . She makes very pretty crossstitch work. She also loves making craft's .

My sweet litte grandson, James Allen is his name and sweetie I adore you, your Nana's first. Your my ray of sunshine. Now Jimmy James as I call him is seventeen months old and trying to walk . It shouldn't be long before he lets go and and then . Look out world ! LOL

These two little angels are my sweet granddaughters.Christina and Susan

Christina (above) is seven years old and very active . She loves her puppie Ponco. He is a teacup poodle. She loves going to school and her baby brother .
Susan (below ) is ten years old and thinks she is eighteen . LOL Susan is into music and clothes. ( OH,My ! What's it going to be when she turns eighteen ? LOL)