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A New Era of 4CW Has Arrived

Handler Info
Name: [chux]
Email: chux_MK(at)hotmail(dot)com
MSN: chux_MK(at)hotmail(dot)com

Wrestler Info

Name: [chux]
Age: 21
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 220 lbs
Hometown: Elmaville (Bristol), UK
Alignment: Face

Entrance Music: Monster Magnet - Live For The Moment

Entrance: Suddenly the lights go down..."Woaaahh Yeeeaaaahhhhhh!" The crowd explode. Coloured lights fly around the arena, spotlights aiming at the ramp. The 4CWtron simply shows the word [chux]. A figure stands tall, silhouetted, belt around his waist. Randomly illuminated by the lights, everyone can tell who it is. His arms are extended, one hand gripping a bottle.
He makes his way down the ramp to a deafening crowd reaction. [chux] takes a mouthful of the contents of the bottle. Coke of course. He gives the remainder of the bottle to a fan without turning his head, makes his way up the ring steps, through the ropes and to the far turnbuckle. He climbs to the second ropes, throws his arms out, tilts his head back and sprays the cola high into the air, recieving a boosted ovation from everyone in attendance.

Appearence: A normal looking guy. That is besides the huge spiked blond hair. [chux] always wears long sleeved tshirts. Usually a white one with a black short sleeved tshirt over it. He wears black jean-type trousers which flare slightly towards the bottom. Around eack ankle there is a white flame design stretching up to just below the knee.

Favourite Weapon: He doesn't use weapons much, but he loves high flying. So a ladder or a cage. Chairs are good too...
Favourite Match Type: Ladder

History: Not much is known about [chux]'s past, escept that he came to America from England in around 2002 to make it big in the wrestling business. He'd been a fan for a few years prior and with the age of high flying he got more and more into it.

He made his debut in 4FW, where he fast became a top contender very quickly. But with 4FW's demise [chux] was left with nothing. 4FW became 4CW and [chux]'s career soared once again.

After just under 3 months he defeated Minion, son of the Deadman, in the first two matches in a best of 3 tournament to become the first ever 4CW World Heavyweight Champion, despite technically being a cruiserwight.

Finisher: Flare
Finisher Description: Simalar to the Stratusfaction, only springboarding and straight over the opponents head.

Favourite moves:
Top rope moves:
- Swanton
- Shooting Star
- Leg Drop
Springboarding Moves
DDT variations
Hurricanrana Variations
Ankle Lock

Any other efed experience: 4FW, 4CW

Record: 10 wins, 4 draws, 4 losses. (As of October 17th 2004)

Achievements: 4CW Champion (1, First)

Sample RP

September 2nd 2004 ([chux] has been drinking heavily due to the stresses of being champion)

The scene opens in a park. It's night and the stars are out. [chux] is lying on the padding around some swings, looking up at the sky. The park has an eerie feeling about it. Maybe it's the lighting, maybe it's just [chux]'s unsound mind, but it's definately not the feeling you think you'd get at a children's play area.

The champion's mind wanders to everything that's happened to him over the past few months. It's been a hell of a ride. Now he's so far into something he never thought he'd encounter. He expected glamour. He'd expected pain. He'd expected a title. But he didn't ever think he'd make an enemy. Maybe a differing opinion, maybe a slight hatred, but nothing like the anger that burns inside him now.

He used to be known as a 'fan friendly' wrestler. He'd sign autographs, he'd take photos. But now he rejects everything, everyone. Even Amy. Everything of [chux]'s old life has been slipping away recently, sliding further and further out of his reach. He's done nothing to hang onto it though, the opposite really. He's not answered phone calls, ignored conversation, not doing anything besides drive himself insane thinking about one man. Steven Penance.

Really Penance hasn't done much more than could be expected from someone who is a dick by anyone's standards and has come into so much power. But something about him drives [chux] nuts.

Thoughts run through his head about revenge, about the last couple of months, the Pay Per Views and what he can do to get back at the Cowboys. Then Gemini. He hates them too. The Universal title. Created to screw [chux] over again. Titles. Tag Titles. Elite. [chux] is a big fan of Rage and Inferno. The rage he feels for Steven is like a fire, burning as an inferno inside him. Jimmy and Buzz. He likes those guys too. A slight smile appears on [chux]'s face. The first one for weeks. Tag teams. [chux]'s partner. Vell. Chris Vell. He's been going through a few hard times too. Smoke. What a dick.

[chux] struggles to think about anything other than the objects of his hatred. He forces himself to remember the good times. Vell, THC, Elite...good friends.



He's totally rejected her over the past few weeks. Is she still around? He can't even remember anymore. He hasn't seen anyone.

[chux] sits up. He looks thoughtful. No, confused. No...worried.


He stands up, holds his head. A headache has stuck in there for hours. Days. More. He's been so wrapped up in his own pointless thoughts that he'd ignored it. Pain is almost like a new feeling.


Feeling the pounding in his head, he feels more pain. All over. His legs, his arms...his ribs. The fire, the anger in his heart has turned to seering pain. His ribs have been cracked to what feels like dust after the sick spear at War. Emotional pain turns to physical pain as he forgets Penance and remembers the brutality. Then back to emotional pain as he thinks of Amy. The internal injuries dont matter to him when she's around...but where is she?

[chux] runs. Runs home. Is she there? Is anyone there?