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Welcome to our picture album. Here we will show you some of our paranormal pictures, along with some that are not paranormal. We want you to be able to compare abnormalities so that you can better judge what may be in some of your own photos. Enjoy!

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Here is a pic from Waverly Hills Sanatorium. We have several pics from Waverly with, what we believe to be, orbs in them.

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If you look at the orb right under the bright white orb on the upper right, you will notice a face in the orb and if you gradually look down from the face you can make out a neck and shoulders and if you follow the pattern of the orbs from the face to the ground you can almost make out the entire body. Let me know if you can see what I see.
Thank you,
Jennifer | | June 06, 2006

yeah jennifer i can see what you see
Crystal | | June 09, 2006

I honestly do not think they are orbes, looks more to me like dust.

You can very easily confuse the two
Chrissy | | June 11, 2006

jennifer yes i see what you any of you all think that is one of the 5 ghost ther are talking about in some of the other pics???

kirsten | | July 27, 2006

Yes Jen, i do in fact see that face in the orb. The paranormal is in fact also revealing itself in other less approachful ways. Those of you who do not want to be critics, look a little bit closer at the picture and use your human senses. Jen, you are a very clever girl if i do say so myself. i live in dexter missouri if any of you want to know what is really in the picture prior to this comment.
cassie gaines | | September 20, 2006

Ya I agree with you guys I defently see a face there. kinda creeping me out. I've been to waverly for the haunted house and for a tour with my boyfriend. Really creepy place, we went up to room 502 and I wouldn't go in there because I heard women who were pregnant who went into that room felt sick to their stomachs. This is the best picture ive seen yet.
Shannon Hancock | | October 05, 2006

wow it is incredible to see this pic i can see the face perfectly, actually the first time i heard about waverly was sunday at vh1 the celebrety paranormal show that they did it was awsome.. if any one has more pics please email them it would be kool to attend the tour but i dont have the $$$$$ to travel well n e wayz laterz peeps. take care
janie | | October 25, 2006

You are not mentioning the shadow coming at you right below this orb. almost dead center to the right a little. You guys (i'm a new yorker, everybody is you guys, sorry) got some of the best pics i've seen of waverly yet. And i love your website, except the ghosts and skulls are distracting and make it difficult to read. keep up the great work.
Rose | | November 16, 2006

I saw that shadowed face right away. Just right of center and up a little. Spooky. The "orbs", are they just dust, maybe?
Brian Wendelboe | | May 04, 2007

These are common dust orbs. Nothing paranormal about them.
Lisa | May 06, 2007